An Analysis of Directive Acts and Theirs Conversational Implicature of The Main Characters in The Lion King 2019 Movie by Jeff Nathanson

Sholihah, Khoirun Nisa’i (2022) An Analysis of Directive Acts and Theirs Conversational Implicature of The Main Characters in The Lion King 2019 Movie by Jeff Nathanson. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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Directive acts are acts in the form of orders from the speaker to the speech partner. Indeed,
this act was made by speakers to influence the speech partner to do something in the future. In
directive acts, not all meanings are interpreted easily, there is some utterance that has a different
meaning from what was intended, this is called conversational implicatures. Conversational
implicature is a component of meaning that is spoken by the speaker without being part of what
is being said.
The purposes of this study was to find out the types of directive acts and its conversational
implicatures used by the main characters by Jeff Nathanson. This research expected to help
speakers and speech partners to understand about directive acts and conversational implicatures.
So it will be easier for them to communicate each other.
This research applied qualitative approach and used descriptive qualitative design. The
primary data in this research was The Lion King 2019 movie that transcribed and classified into
directive acts. In this research, the researcher used documentation to find the types of directive
acts utterance. Meanwhile, to analyze the data the researcher used content analysis method.
The result of the research showed that they are 7 types of directive acts utterances used by
the main characters in The Lion King movie 2019 by Jeff Nathanson such as, 3 utterances of
advice, 1 utterance of recommend, 17 utterances of command, 7 utterances of request, 5
utterances of prohibit, 6 utterances of ask, and 2 utterance of challenge. Conversational
implicatures was found in two terms, namely generalized conversational implicatures and
particularized conversational implicatures. They are 4 directive acts utterance that categorized
into generalized conversational implicatures such as, 1utterance of prohibit, 1 utterance of
request, 1 utterance of recommend, and 1 utterance of ask. Meanwhile, they are 2 directive
utterances that categorized into particularized conversational implicatures such as, 2 utterances
of advice and 2 utterances of command.
So, the result of this research is expected to give many benefits for the speakers and speech
partners. With this research, the researcher expected that the speakers and speech partners can
understand directive acts well and apply it in daily communication activities. In addition,
speakers and speech partners will be easier to communicate when understand well about
conversational implicatures. So the errors in understanding meaning between speaker and speech
partner in communication can be avoided.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Winantu Kurnianingtyas
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unmuh PPL 24
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2024 02:28
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2024 02:28

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