The Interpersonal Meaning Of Songs’ Lyrics in Everyday Life’s Album of Coldplay

Purwaningsih, Eka (2021) The Interpersonal Meaning Of Songs’ Lyrics in Everyday Life’s Album of Coldplay. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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People almost hear songs everyday so people as the listeners can
memorize the lyrics very well. It is interesting to see how the composer plays with
the words and cords to convey the message, and it is very interesting to analyze
something that people like very much. This research focus is on interpersonal
relationship that can be seen through the interpersonal realized on the songs‟
lyrics in Everyday Life‟s Album of Coldplay. Interpersonal meaning is one of
three metafunctions meaning of Systemic Functional Linguistic, a Modern
Grammar that first introduced by Michael Halliday. It is important for student to
be understood about interpersonal meaning because it is about the role exchange
between peoples. The researcher chooses Everyday Life‟s Album because it has
different concept that the other album. The meaning of these songs is so close to
people‟s life and also contains character education. Besides of that, students can
easier to learn about interpersonal meaning by use something that close to them
like song and music.
The objectives of this study are: (1) to find out MOOD and Modality of
Interpersonal Meaning in terms of Declarative, Interrogative, and Imperative; (2)
to find out MOOD and Modality of Interpersonal meaning in terms of
Modalization and Modulation song‟s lyrics in Everyday Life‟s Album of
The design of the research was descriptive qualitative and the main source
of data were the lyrics in the Everyday Life‟s Album of Coldplay. There were total
16 songs in this album, but only 14 songs that have been analyzed because the two
of them did not have lyrics. The analysis of the data used the following steps:
specifying the phenomenon to be investigated, selecting the media from which
observations are to be made, formulating coding categories do that the verbal or
symbolic content can be counted, deciding on the sampling plan to be used,
analyzing the data based on in terms of Descriptive, Interrogative and Imperative
Mood and in terms of Modalization and Modulation. Then, the last step is
drawing the conclusion.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Winantu
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unmuh PPL 24
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2024 07:52
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2024 07:52

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