Sholihah, Bela (2024) ..(FILE YANG DIUNGGAH SEHARUSNYA FILE SKRIPSI BUKAN JURNAL, UPLOAD ULANG)..Penerapan model Think Pair Share untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar PPKN pada kelas 3 Ar Rahim Mi Ma'arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.
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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi ketika guru menyapaikan materi pelajaran PPKN di depan kelas, tampak sebagian besar peserta didik kurang berlatih untuk meningkatkan keaktifan hasil belajar murid tidak memperhatikan dan terlihat pasif ketika sedang ditanya jawab. Kurangnya minat peserta didik dalam membaca materi pembelajaran dan kurangnya fokus peserta didik pada saat guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dikelas. Hal tersebut di buktikan dengan hasil wawancara dengan guru kelas 3 Ar-rahim, bahwa melalui tes keaktifan hasil belajar murid kelas 3 dalam materi keragaman di lingkungan sekitar nilai rata-rata PPKN murid hanya 55,5%. Nilai pelajaran PPKN dari 26 murid hanya 30% yang mencapai KKM. Nilai rata-rata tes meningkatkan keaktifan hasil belajar murid pada mata pelajaran PPKN sebagian masih dibawah KKM. Dikarenakan keaktifan hasil belajar murid. kelas 3 di MI Ma’arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Ponorogo masih jauh dari yang diharapkan dan belum sesuai dengan KKM yang telah ditentukan, peneliti memutuskan menggunakan model pembelajaran Think Pair Share. Oleh karena itu penerapan pembelajaran PPKN di kelas (Think Pair Share) diperlukan sebagai alternatif untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir murid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar murid pada mata pelajaran PPKN melalui penerapan PPKN di kelas (Think Pair Share) di kelas 3 MI Ma’arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Jenangan Ponorogo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar murid pada mata pelajaran PPKN melalui penerapan PPKN di kelas (Think Pair Share) di kelas 3 MI Ma’arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Jenangan Ponorogo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas 3 MI Ma’arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Ponorogo yang berjumlah 26 murid. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi dan tes.
Kata kunci: Model Think Pair Share, Meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar
This research was motivated by the fact that when the teacher presented PPKN lesson material in front of the class, it appeared that most of the students had not practiced enough to increase the active learning outcomes of the students, they did not pay attention and looked passive when being asked and answered. Lack of student interest in reading learning material and lack of student focus when the teacher delivers learning material in class. This was proven by the results of an interview with the 3rd grade teacher Ar-Rahim, that through the activeness test the learning results of the 3rd grade students in material on diversity in the surrounding environment, the average student PPKN score was only 55.5%. Only 30% of the PPKN lesson scores of 26 students reached the KKM. The average test scores that increase the activeness of student learning outcomes in PPKN subjects are still partly below the KKM. Due to the activeness of student learning outcomes. Class 3 at MI Ma'arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Ponorogo is still far from expectations and not in accordance with the specified KKM, the researcher decided to use the Think Pair Share learning model. Therefore, implementing PPKN learning in the classroom (Think Pair Share) is needed as an alternative to create active learning and improve students' thinking abilities. This research aims to increase student activity and learning outcomes in PPKN subjects through the implementation of PPKN in class (Think Pair Share) in class 3 of MI Ma'arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Jenangan Ponorogo. This research aims to increase student activity and learning outcomes in PPKN subjects through the implementation of PPKN in class (Think Pair Share) in class 3 of MI Ma'arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Jenangan Ponorogo. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research were class 3 of MI Ma'arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo Ponorogo, totaling 26 students. The data collection technique uses observation, documentation and tests.
Keywords:Think Pair Share Model, Increases activeness and learning outcomes
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate (S1)) |
Thesis Supervisor: | Hestu wilujeng |
Subjects: | 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah |
Depositing User: | Mr Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo |
Date Deposited: | 09 Jan 2024 01:40 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jan 2024 01:40 |
URI: | |
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