An Analysis Of Character Educational Values In “Aladdin” Movie

Farida, Farida (2023) An Analysis Of Character Educational Values In “Aladdin” Movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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Farida. 2023. An Analysis of Character Educational Values in “Aladdin” Movie. Thesis. English Language Teaching Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo. Advisor Fenty Andriani, M. Pd.

Keywords: Value, Educational Values, Movie.

Character shows the individual identity and the result of an action. The relation between humans and characters is very strong because the character is the embodiment of attitudes and behavior that are visible as a result of the actions taken. Although the character is abstract and difficult to measure and looks and touches like a solid or liquid object, the character can be felt and measured through actions produced as a bridge connecting the results of the mindset and nature possessed by humans themselves. Educational value can also define something or a limitation of everything that educates a maturing-oriented person, which has a good or bad character, so it can be useful for human life which can come from the educational process. Educational values are not only achieved in the formal classroom but can also be found everywhere, for example in the movie.

This research aims to find out the types of character educational values in “Aladdin” movie, and to find out the most intensive character educational values in “Aladdin” movie.

This research applied a descriptive qualitative approach and used library research as the design. The researcher used the script of “Aladdin” movie’s dialogue and the original movie as the primary source, then used the documentary technique, in collecting the data. There were some procedures in conducting this research, such as identifying the conflict in the characters, classifying and categorizing the conflict found in the movie, identifying the important points related to the research, classifying the characters in the movie, and describing the conclusion.

Based on the analysis of the movie script, it can be concluded that there are 12 types of character educational values in “Aladdin” movie script, namely a love of peace, social care, communicative/friendly, creative, independent, patriotism, responsible, hard work, appreciation of achievement, curiosity, honesty, and tolerance. On the other hand, 9 of 18 characters educational values did not appear in this movie. These were religious, reading interest, discipline, democratic, nationalism, and care about the environment. Finally, the researcher also found that the most intensive character educational value is a social care (4 data). Aladdin movie can be used as a supporting medium for students to learn about character educational values in society.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Fenty Andriani
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Mr Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2023 07:37
Last Modified: 04 Jul 2023 07:37

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