Improving Students' Speaking Skill By Using Show and Tell Technique At SMPN 4 Ngrayun In Academic Year 2020/2021

Jarwati, Jarwati (2021) Improving Students' Speaking Skill By Using Show and Tell Technique At SMPN 4 Ngrayun In Academic Year 2020/2021. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.

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JARWATI . 2021. Improving Student’s Speaking Skill by Using Show and Tell Technique at SMPN 4 Ngrayun in Academic Year 2020/2021. Thesis, English Education Department, Tarbiyah Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Ponorogo. Advisor: Nurul Khasanah, M.Pd.

Keyword : Speaking Skill, Show and Tell.
Speaking ability is described as ability to express one’s interaction or the ability to report acts or situation in precise word, or ability to converse , or to express a sequence of ideas. Show and Tell technique is described as a technique of learning in which students tell about an object or process that has been or ever experienced. This technique Speaking is a form a language skill as communicative competence that can be develop when it is really used in real life as means communication is conducted in the classroom as a technique for speaking skills.
The purpose of this research was to improved the student’s speaking skill by using Show and Tell Technique at SMPN 4 Ngrayun in academic year 2020/2021 who where not taught by this technique before. This research applied classroom action research technique. The subject of the research was VIII.B class of SMPN 4 Ngrayun which consist of 26 students. It consisted of two cycles which there were four phases in each cycle, they are : planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data were obtained through qualitative and quantitative methods. To collect the qualitative data, the instruments used observation sheets. And to collect the quantitative data the researcher used test.
After analyzing and evaluating student’s progress, the data showed that student’s activeness and speaking skill had improved. This can be seen on how they asked their friends and answered the questions and also can be seen on how they presented their descriptive of something in front of the class.
In cycle 1 the students still show the low result with 46, 15% of students who got D score and just 11, 53% students who got A score for their ability of speaking. But after the researcher try to explain more about the rule of this learning, in cycle 2 the students show a good progress with 30,76% students got A score and only 3, 84% student who get D score.
The conclusion of this research are that the student’s speaking skill can be improved by using Show and Tell technique. Because the students have a lot of chance to speak and express what they want.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Nurul Khasanah
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 17 Jun 2021 02:17
Last Modified: 17 Jun 2021 02:17

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