the use of vocabulary rehearsal technique in eight grade bilingual class at mts n 2 ponorogo

Sovian, Eka Fathari (2020) the use of vocabulary rehearsal technique in eight grade bilingual class at mts n 2 ponorogo. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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SOVIAN, EKA FATHARI. 2020. The use of Vocabulary Rehearsal Technique in Eight-grade
Bilingual Class at MTs Negeri 2 Ponorogo.Thesis, English Education Department,
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies of
Ponorogo, Advisor Dr. Dhinuk Puspita Kirana, M.Pd.

Keywords: vocabulary, rehearsal, bilingual, eight-grades

This present research is conducted for several reasons. First, Learning English can be started
with learning its vocabulary. Without vocabulary, people cannot express either oral or written
English. In English, vocabulary holds an important role. Second, the connection between
vocabulary and English is as if a key that opens the door. Vocabulary becomes a key, for it is the
core of English. Third, people who have much vocabulary in their mind could express English
easier than people who does not. That is why, vocabulary is really important in learning English.
Most students of bilingual class at MTs N 2 Ponorogo are categorized in high-achiever
students, since they were tested before they assigned as a student at MTs N 2 Ponorogo. The test
purpose is to categorize or divide the students into three different programs (Regular Program,
Bilingual Program, and Acceleration Program). However, some students of bilingual program in
MTsN 2 Ponorogo still had difficulties to express and to understand spoken and written English.
This problem emerged from their intensity of English language use in their daily activity and
their nervousness in expressing English. To overcome this problem, the bilingual program team
made pocket vocabulary book to help students in increasing their vocabulary knowledge. After
achieving this book, students have to memorize it. Then, they had to practice it in front of the
bilingual program teachers.
The purpose of this research is to know the application of vocabulary rehearsal technique at
MTs Negeri 1 Ponorogo, especially when applied in the eight-grade bilingual class. This
research also wanted to know factors influencing the implementations of vocabulary rehearsal
The research applied a qualitative research with a case study design for this research. The
data collections were using several ways, such as: interviewing the teacher as well as the student
of MTs Negeri 2 Ponorogo, collecting documentation from administration office, and observing
the class during the teaching and learning process. In analyzing the data, the researcher used data
reduction, data display and conclusion.
The results showed that the implementation of the vocabulary rehearsal technique was
running well. For, students felt the advantages of the technique and most of them acquire new
vocabulary they never encountered. However, there are some problems such as low students‘
frequency of rehearsing the Daily Vocabulary book and the teachers‘ rare attendance in
rehearsing session. These problems on the other hand could be overcome well by the Bilingual
Program Teachers. They encourage students by asking the students‘ classmate to share their
rehearsal. While, the teachers make appointment first before rehearsing session begin

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Dhinuk Puspita Kirana
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2021 02:47
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2021 02:47

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