Analysis of Derivation in the Novel “Every Silence Has a Story” By Zara Zettira Z.R. (English Prefix and Suffix)

Nashihatur, Rosyidah (2015) Analysis of Derivation in the Novel “Every Silence Has a Story” By Zara Zettira Z.R. (English Prefix and Suffix). Undergraduate (S1) thesis, STAIN Ponorogo.

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Language has very important role in the world. That role are different in many aspects. In literature, language can be defined as the most important aspect because language is a communication media between author and reader. By using language, writers express their ideas or points of view in a form of literary work, such as novel. This research aims to analyze English derivation in novel. The research problems are : (1) what are the types of derivation in the novel “ Every Silence has a Story” (2) what are the most types of Prefix and Suffix in novel “ Every Silence has a Story”.
In English, affixes is devided into prefix and suffix. Many people know about affixes, either prefix or suffix. But not all of them understand more about it. So, through this research, the researcher analyze about affixes in the literature, especially in a novel. Affix was something simple in English, but it was very instrumental in making the sentence because derivation effect to meaning and function of the word.
This research was library research. The researcher used descriptive qualitative approach and the types was content analysis. The data was collected by documentary method that used document which related with content analysis. The sources of main data were taken from novel Every Silence has a Story by Zara Zettira Z.R. The data was analized based on Miles and Huberman’s Theory.
The result of this researcher are: (1) English prefixes that found in the novel “Every Silence has a Story” are quantified prefix (4 words/33,3%) and negation prefix (8 words/66,7%). Types of locative and temporal prefix was not found in this novel. While, in English suffix all of types exist in this novel. They are nominal suffix (200 words/60,61%), verbal suffix (4 words/1,21%), adjectival suffix (72 words/21,82%), and adverbial suffix (54 words/16,36%).(2) The most types of English prefix that is found in the novel “Every Silence has a Story” is negation prefix (8 words/66.7%). While the English suffix that is found in the novel is nominal suffix(200 words/60,61%).
The conclusion of this research are in the novel Every Silence has a Story has quantified prefix, negation prefix, nominal suffix, verbal suffix, adjectival suffix, and adverbial suffix. The mostly affix that is found in the novel is negation prefix and nominal suffix.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: 1.Drs. Harjali, M.Pd, 2. Winantu Kurnianingtyas S.A, M. Hum
Location: 15TI01
Subjects: ?? 800 ??
Divisions: ?? pro_ti ??
Depositing User: m. dhofar
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2015 02:36
Last Modified: 27 Jun 2016 07:57

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