Ma'ruf, Syaiful (2019) (UPLOAD ULANG SKRIPSI NYA BUKAN PAPER) Zakat Profesi Dalam Tinjauan Sosiologi Hukum Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Ponorogo. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
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Obligation of zakat is a means to achieve harmony and stability of the relationship between humans and Allah SWT as well as human relations with other humans that can be realized by mutual help and mutual assistance between human beings, conscious and obedient that always carry out obligations that have become a rule is a responsibility that must be carried out by every society. The Awareness and compliance of ASN to implement the rules that have been applied in Religion is the rules set forth by the Circular Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion Ponorogo Regency Number: 01 / UPZ / III / 2007, Circular from the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of East Java Province, Number: KW .13.2 / 5 / BA.032 / 817/2010, Circular from the Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion, Ponorogo Regency Number Kd. 13.2 / 7 / BA.03.2 / 1348/2010 that concerning on Optimization of Professional Zakat for Civil Servants of the Ministry of Religion, by this regulation each month the ASNs who are in the Office of the Ministry of Religion Ponorogo and the ASNs under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion Ponorogo have the responsibility to meksanakan obligation pay professional zakat, every month will be deducted 2.5% of the net salary of ASN based on the circular , there are ASN who are have not aware yet and obedient for doing obligation to pay professional zakat, aware and obedient each ASN has their own opinion.
Kywords: Professional Zakat, Legal Sociology, Ministry of Religion Office of Ponorogo
Kewajiban zakat merupakan sarana untuk tercapainya keselarasan dan kemantapan hubungan antara manusia dengan Allah SWT serta hubungan manusia dengan manusia lainnya yang dapat di wujudkan dengan adanya saling tolong menolong dan saling membantu antara sesama manusia, sadar dan patuh untuk selalu melaksanakan kewajiban yang telah menjadi suatu aturan adalah sebuah tangung jawab yang harus di laksanakan setiap masyarakat. Kesadaran dan kepatuhan ASN untuk melaksankan aturan yang telah berlaku di Agama yaitu aturan yang ditetapakan oleh Surat edaran Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Ponorogo Nomor: 01/UPZ/III/2007, Surat edaran dari Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Propinsi Jawa Timur, Nomor: KW.13.2/5/BA.032/817/2010, Surat edaran dari Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama Kab. Ponorogo Nomor Kd. 13.2/7/BA.03.2/1348/2010 tentang Optimalisasi zakat Profesi bagi PNS Kemenag, dengan adanya aturan tersebut setiap bulanya para ASN yang berada di Kantor Kementerian Agama Ponorogo dan para ASN yang berada dibawah naungan Kementerian Agama Ponorogo memiliki tanggung jawab untuk meksanakan kewajiban membayar zakat profesi, setiap bulan akan dipotong 2,5% dari gaji bersih ASN, dari edaran tersebut terdapat ASN yang belum sadar dan patuh untuk meksanakan kewajiban membayar zakat profesi, sadar dan patuh setiap ASN memiliki pendapat mesing-masing.
Kata kunci: Zakat Profesi, Sosiologi Hukum, Kementerian Agama Ponorogo
Item Type: | Thesis (UNSPECIFIED) |
Thesis Supervisor: | IAIN Ponorogo |
Location: | Ponorogo-Jawa Timur |
Subjects: | 14 ECONOMICS > 1401 Economic Theory > 140101 History of Economic Thought |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Program Studi Magister Ekonomi Syariah |
Depositing User: | Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2019 08:48 |
Last Modified: | 15 Nov 2019 08:48 |
URI: | |
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