Expressive Acts Analysis in Howl’s Moving Castle Movie by Hayao Miyazaki

Rulianawati, Iis (2022) Expressive Acts Analysis in Howl’s Moving Castle Movie by Hayao Miyazaki. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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The purpose of expressive acts is to convey the speaker’s emotions and thoughts on the state of
circumstances. This action revealed the speaker's state of mind or attitude through actions or
situations. This expressive act reveals the speaker's inner emotions. This study investigates expressive
acts used by the main characters in the movie Howl's Moving Castle. The researcher discussed the
type of expressive acts and the language context of expressive acts performed by the main character
in the movie.
The researcher used qualitative-descriptive method in doing this research. The data were the
transcript of utterances performed by the main character in Howl’s Moving Castle movie that consists
of expressive acts. The researcher used documentation to find the types of expressive acts and its
context. Furthermore, content analysis is used to collect the data.
The researcher found 53 data of utterances that showed 12 types of expressive acts. They are 4
utterances of apologies, 3 utterances of compliment, 3 utterances of disliking, 5 utterances of
exclamation, 4 utterances of farewell, 5 utterances of greeting, 2 utterances of lamenting, 4 utterances
of mocking, 5 utterances of pleasure, 2 utterances of protesting, 14 utterances of thanking, and 3
utterances of wishing.
Moreover, the researcher also collected expressive act utterances as the data to be analyzed and
employed the S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G model to analyze them. The results showed that there are 53
utterances containing expressive acts that are classified into 12 types, where each utterance are
analyzed for its language context. The whole utterances analysis were showed that the setting (S) of
the movies took place in many different places such as Howl’s castle, the market, Sophie’s hat shop,
on the way to the palace, palace, cliff, garden, lake, dining room, and airplane. However, most of their
time is spent in Howl's castle, either during the day or night. The participants (P) in this movie are
Sophie, Howl, Markl, and the witch. Ends (E) or the intent and purpose of this movie is that Sophie,
a young woman turned into an older woman, decides to help Howl get his heart back. In the act
sequence (A), the form of speech contained in the movie includes many turn-taking strategies and
adjacency pairs used by the main character. The main character in the movie used keys (K) and it can
be said that each character uses various expressive and intonation voices that change depending on
conditions, places, participants, and the ends of the conversation. Instrumentalities (I) used in the
whole conversation are in the form of oral and face-to-face conversations. In Norm (N), there are
norms for interacting in the form of politeness and impoliteness. Following the others, in genres (G)
or the form of delivery is in the form of dialogue.
The result of this research is expected to give a brief explanation of expressive acts for the
English teacher and the students deeply. Then, the students are expected to more excited and
enthusiastic in the learning process. Furthermore, the researcher also suggested the future researchers
to find other types of expressive speech acts and language contexts that use theories other than Dell
Hymes’ speaking model. Hence, the future researcher can use a different genre of the objects or
another movie title.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Winantu Kurnianingtyas
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unmuh PPL 24
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2024 02:23
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2024 02:23

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