Appraisal Analysis of Attitude in the Cars (2006) Movie

Pradana, Ipung (2022) Appraisal Analysis of Attitude in the Cars (2006) Movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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Pradana, Ipung. 2023. Appraisal Analysis of Attitude in the Cars (2006) Movie. Thesis, English Language Teaching Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo. Advisor Winantu Kurnianingtyas Sri Agung, S.S., M. Hum.
Keywords: Attitude, Appraisal, Movie.
Appraisal is a new expansion and innovation of interpersonal meta-function, which more focused on studies the emotional expression and social interaction. It is used for negotiating social relationship, by telling the listeners or readers how people feel about things or about the person himself. Likewise with movies, there is an interaction between speakers and listeners, namely the film actor and the audience. Apart from just watching, the audience can learn what the actor wants to convey by understanding the actor words, emotions, or behavior. The purposes of this study were to find out the types of appraisal attitude in the Cars (2006) movie and the kinds of language functions of those attitudes.
This research applied descriptive qualitative approach and used library research as the design. The researcher used the script of Lightning McQueen’s dialogue and the original movie as the primary source, then used documents or artifact technique in collecting the data. The researcher also used the Klaus Krippendorff content analysis method to analyze the data.
The result of this study showed that they are three types of attitudes expressed in the Lightning McQueen’s dialogue, they are affect, judgement and appreciation. From those attitudes the researcher found 41 data, that consist of 10 data of affect, 3 data of judgement, and 28 data of appreciation. The researcher also found seven types of language functions in Lightning McQueen’s attitudes, consist of regulatory, interactional, representational, personal, imaginative, instrumental and heuristic function. From those 41 data attitudes, it has found 1 affect identified as regulatory function, 1 affect and 8 appreciations as interactional function, 1 judgement and 1 appreciation as representational function, 6 affects, 2 judgements and 13 appreciations as personal function, 1 affect as imaginative function, 1 appreciation as instrumental function, and 1 appreciation as heuristic function.
From the results of this research, it can be seen that appraisal theory can be used and found in movies, as well as the categorization of language function. This research shows that learners can learn the interpersonal meaning, or the meanings of a language, through many things, such as the words of actors, and can apply language theories in it. This research can be an example for learners to learn deeper interpersonal meaning or appraisal itself, and can also be an example for further researchers in making literature research or other appraisal analysis research. This research can enrich literature studies, especially in appraisal theory, as well as film research.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Winantu Kurnianingtyas Sri Agung
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2023 01:58
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2023 01:58

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