...(GUNAKAN TTD ASLI BUKAN SCAN PADA LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI, UPLOAD ULANG)...The Influence of Rewards and Punishments in Reading Skill for The Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Kebonagung, Pacitan

Indriani, Ros Harlina (2022) ...(GUNAKAN TTD ASLI BUKAN SCAN PADA LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI, UPLOAD ULANG)...The Influence of Rewards and Punishments in Reading Skill for The Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Kebonagung, Pacitan. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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INDRIANI, ROS HARLINA. 2022. The Influences of Rewards and Punishments in Reading Skill for The Seventh Grade Students at SMPN 2 Kebonagung, Pacitan. Thesis, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo. Advisor Dedy Hasnawan, M.Pd.
Key Words: Rewards, Punishments, Reading Skill
Reading is a process or ability to find out or interpret information appropriately, and the ultimate goal of reading is not to read the words, but to understand what is being read. Students are expected to be able to find key ideas, understand what they are reading, get explicit and implicit information, read the text, and then extract details from the simple text. But one of the problems is that students don't know the vocabulary. To facilitate self-teaching, the teacher should provide children with guided practice in reading in contexts that are motivating, rewarding, and using materials that are interesting, personally meaningful, and simply. One of the reward learning strategies is highly applicable as it can increase the interest in learning and the motivation to achieve satisfactory student achievement. But, teachers also use the punishment strategy in education as a reaction to a lack of discipline so the first step to preventing the need for punishment is to teach and encourage discipline.
The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a significant difference between students who are taught using reward and punishment strategies and who are not taught by using the reward and punishment strategies at SMPN 2 Kebonagung.
The researcher applied a quantitative approach and used a quasi-experimental design. The researcher conducted an observation, pre-test and post-test as the data collection techniques and used expert validation to assess the eglibity of the recsearch intstruments. Furthrmore, the researcher use SPSS Version 17 to analyze the data quantitatively. Data analysis techniques used in this research validity test, reliability test, homogenity test, normality test and independent sample t-test. In this research, the population was the seventh graders of SMPN 2 Kebonagung. The sample was 64 students. The VII A class is the control class and the VII B is the experimental class. Both of them consist of 32 students. The data were gathered through observation (secondary data) and test (primary data). This research was conducted by applying the following procedures giving the pre-test, applying the treatment, and giving a post-test. After getting the score of the test, the data were analyzed and processed using the T-test formula by using SPSS.
The value of t-test = 2.058 is consulted with 5% significant level with df= 62 is 2.000 (t-test>t-table). So, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in achievement in teaching reading between students who are taught by using reward and punishment strategies and who are not by using reward and punishment strategies at the seventh graders of SMPN 2 Kebonagung in the academic year 2021/2022.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Dedi Hasnawan
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2022 01:45
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2022 01:45
URI: http://etheses.iainponorogo.ac.id/id/eprint/20257

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