The Effectiveness of Kahoot! Game as Media on Student English Achievement at SMAN 3 Ponorogo

Prasetiyo, Agung (2022) The Effectiveness of Kahoot! Game as Media on Student English Achievement at SMAN 3 Ponorogo. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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Prasetiyo, Agung. 2022. The effectiveness of Kahoot! game as media on Student English Achievement at SMAN 3 Ponorogo. Thesis, English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo. Advisor Dr. Dhinuk Puspita Kirana, M.Pd.

Keyword: Learning media, Game-based learning, Kahoot! game, Student English achievement

Student achievement is a very important thing to know the effectiveness of a learning. In this all-digital era, there are still educators who have not mastered and used technology to be implemented in learning. As a result, learners feel bored and effective learning is not achieved so learning outcomes are low. Kahoot! game comes as a learning app or game-based learning for fostering the motives and enthusiasm for learning of students to improve student learning outcomes.
Students’ English achievement or can be mentioned as an assessment of the learning process conducted to measure students’ understanding of the learning process. The problem faced in English learning are weak motivation, less active learning, and the monotonous learning media used in the class. By seeing the problems, the teacher should apply learning media for teaching English. There are many kinds of learning media such as Kahoot. Kahoot! game is game-based learning that makes student more active and interested in teaching-learning process.
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of Kahoot! game as media on students English achievement on the eleventh grade of SMAN 3 Ponorogo academic year 2021/2022.
This research was quantitative research with quasi-experimental research design. This research consisted of two variables namely Kahoot! game media as independent variable and students English achievement as dependent variable, using pre-test and post-test control group design. The population of this research was eleventh grade of SMAN 3 Ponorogo consisted of 244 students divided into 7 class. the sample of this research were XI IPA 6 as experimental class and XI IPA 5 as control class. Both of class consist of 35 students in each class. To collect the data, researcher used test. To analyzed the data, researcher used t-test formula by using SPSS version 24 to know whether was any significant difference students’ English achievement between the students who are taught by using Kahoot! game as media and who are not.
The result of this research showed that the students who were taught by using Kahoot! game got better score than the students who were taught by using conventional learning. The independent t-test result is showed that the t-test value 5,700 is higher than t-table 1,99 with degree of freedom (df) = 68. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that Kahoot! game is an effective media for English teaching-learning.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Dhinuk Puspita Kirana
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2022 04:58
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2022 04:58

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