The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-Learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-Learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo

Saputri, Riski Pria (2021) The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-Learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-Learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.

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SAPUTRI, RISKI PRIA, 2021, The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-Learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo. Thesis, English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies of Ponorogo.
Advisor Fenty Andriani, M.Pd.

Keywords: Learning Strategy, Self Directed Learning, Moodle E-learning, Teaching Reading

Reading is a very crucial skill due to some reasons. Reading is one of the ways to make people share information, ideas, opinions, or arguments on what they see, feel and think and to express the information to good communication. Selecting an appropriate strategy to improve a reading skill is important. English teacher in SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo chooses Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching reading during the Covid-19 pandemic. Self Directed Learning is a strategy to increase knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her efforts using any method in any circumstances at any time. The objectives of this thesis is to describe (1) the Implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo (2) Students’ Responses Toward Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo.

This research employed a qualitative approach and the design was a descriptive study. This study was conducted on the tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo. The datas of this research are obtained through (1) observation (2) interview (3) documentation (4) questionnaire. The researcher analyzes the data by (1) data reduction (2) data display (3) conclusion and verification.

The findings show: (1) the English teacher implemented Self Directed learning strategy using Moodle e-learning well. It was started by an activity where the teacher read and understood the material about report text. Then, the teacher gave an interesting activity to students such as making mind mapping, giving video, and having discussion with friends. The learning process was fun and enjoyable. The students had self-discipline and high curiosity to learn. From the quiz in the last meeting, students had a good score after the teacher implemented this strategy. The teacher found that the implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching reading was effective because the students had good grades. (2) The students’ response was very positive. The students were very active during the discussion. Besides, interviews and questionnaires show this strategy can improve students’ reading skill. The students enjoyed learning, improved their reading skills, and made them be more active and creative.

Overall, the researcher concluded that Self Directed Learning using Moodle E-learning was applied positively for teaching reading in tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Fenty Andriani
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 28 May 2021 06:45
Last Modified: 28 May 2021 06:45

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