Mulyono, Mulyono (2020) Prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa pada SDN Danguk Karangjati Ngawi. Masters thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.
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Prophetic Leadership Kepala Sekolah dalam Pengembangan Karakter Religius Siswa di SDN Danguk Karangjati Ngawi
Pada era globalisasi yang terjadi saat ini memberikan peluang dan fasilitas yang luar biasa bagi siapa saja yang mau dan mampu memanfaatkannya, baik untuk kepentingan sendiri atau manusia secara menyeluruh. Namun tidak jarang, era globalisasi ini juga meberikan dapak negatif terhadap siapa saja yang tidak mampu membentengi dirinya dengan karakter religius yang berakibat pada terjadinya perilaku-perilaku menyimpang dari nilai-nilai agama seperti dekadensi moral dan kemrosotan akhlak di kalangan anak-anak dan para remaja. Nilai-nilai karakter religius sangat dibutuhkan oleh siswa dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman seperti saat ini. Keberhasilan penguatan pendidikan karakter religius di sekolah sangat ditentukan oleh keberhasilan kepala sekolah dalam melaksanakan semua program-progamnya, terutama yang berkaitan dengan mengembangkan karakter religius siswa yang salah satunya dengan model prophetic leadership kepala sekolah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa di SDN Danguk Karangjati yang meliputi : (1) Kontribusi personal excellence prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa, (2) Kontribusi inter-personal kapital prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa, (3) Kontribusi competence prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa, (4) Kontribusi Communicative Prophetic Leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, wawancara tak struktur yang bersifat terbuka, dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisis datanya menggunakan model analisis interaktif Milles dan Hubberman yang mencakup empat komponen yang saling berkaitan, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Adapun pengecekan keabsahan datanya menggunakan pengecekan triangulasi data yang dalam penelitin ini menggunakan triangulasi sumber data.
Berdasarkan proses pengumpulan dan analisis data penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan sebagai berikut : (1) Kontribusi competence prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa adalah kepala sekolah bersama bapak ibu guru memberikan motivasi dengan meberikan contoh dan teladan secara langsung sehingga siswa menjadi bersemangat, ikhlas dengan kesadaran sendiri menjaankan tugas-tugasnya baik yang berhubungan dengan amal ibadah maupun tugas sekolah. (2) Kontribusi inter-personal kapital prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa adalah pembangunan mushala yang sebelumnya tidak ada mushala di SDN Danguk. Dengan adanya mushala sekolah siswa-siswi lebih tekun dan disiplin dalam menjalankan ibadahnya dan dalam proses pembangunanya siswa juga tertanam karakter iklas dalam beramal jariyah. (3) Kontribusi competence prophetic leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa adalah peningkatan SDM melalui penanaman nilai-nilai karakter religius yang bertujuan melahirkan dan mencetak generasi yang beriman dan berbudi luhur. Banyak lulusan SDN Danguk menjadi anak yang sopan santun baik kepada orang tua maupun masyarakat lingkungannya dan berbudaya hidup bersih, selain itu juga menjadi anak yang taat dalam beribadah. (4) Kontribusi Communicative Prophetic Leadership kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan karakter religius siswa adalah Karena kefasihan dan keluesan beliau dalam penyampaianya semua pihak bisa faham dan menerima program-programnya. Sehingga para siswi bisa menjalankan nilai karakter religius kesopanan dalam berpakaian yaitu menutup aurat atau berijab. Bahkan tidak hanya di sekolah, di rumahpun mereka sudah terbiasa untuk menutup aurat atau berhijab.
Kata kunci : Prophetic, Leadership, Kepala Sekolah, Karakter Religius, Siswa
Prophetic Leadership Principal in the Development of Students' Religious Characteristics at SDN Danguk Karangjati Ngawi.
In the current era of globalization, it provides extraordinary opportunities and facilities for anyone who is willing and able to use them, both for their own interests or for whole people. But not infrequently, this era of globalization also gives a negative impact on anyone who is unable to fortify himself with religious character which results in the occurrence of behaviors that deviate from religious values such as moral decadence and moral decline among children and adolescents. The values of religious character are needed by students in facing the changing times like today. The success of strengthening religious character education in schools is largely determined by the success of the principal in implementing all his programs, especially those related in developing the religious character of students, one of which is the model of the school's prophetic leadership.
This study aims to analyze the principal's prophetic leadership in the development of students' religious character at SDN Danguk Karangjati which includes: (1) Contributions of principals' personal excellence leadership in the development of students' religious character, (2) The inter-personal contribution of the principal's prophetic leadership capital in the development of students' religious character, (3) the contribution of the principal's competent prophetic leadership in the development of the student's religious character, (4) the contribution of the principal's communicative leadership to the development of the student's religious character.
This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of collecting data is observation, open unstructured interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Milles and Hubberman interactive analysis model which includes four interrelated components, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The checking of the validity of the data uses data triangulation checking which uses data source triangulation.
Based on the process of data collection and analysis this study produced the following findings: (1) The contribution of competent prophetic leadership for school principals in the development of religious character of students is the principal and the together teachers provide motivation by giving examples directly so that students become enthusiastic, doing their task by theirself sincerely both related to acts of worship and school work. (2) The inter-personal contribution of the capital prophetic leadership for school principals in the development of students' religious character is the built of a prayer room that did not available before in the Danguk State Primary School. With the mushala school the students are more diligent and disciplined in carrying out their worship and in the process of its construction students are also embedded in the character of sincere charity Jariyah. (3) The contribution of competent prophetic leadership to school principals in developing of students' religious character is the improvement of human resources through the inculcation of religious character values aimed to give birth and printing a generation of faithful and virtuous people. Many graduates of SDN Danguk become polite children both to their parents and the community in their environment and have a clean living culture, but also become obedient children in worship. (4) The contribution of Communicative Prophetic Leadership to the school principal in developing the religious character of students is because of his eloquence and flexibility in delivering it, all parties can understand and accept his programs. So that students can practice the value of religious modesty in the getting by dress that is covering the nakedness or the hijab. Even not only at school, but alsoat home. They done it.
Keywords: Prophetic, Leadership, Principal, Religious Character, Students
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Thesis Supervisor: | Moh.Miftahul Choiri |
Subjects: | 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam |
Depositing User: | Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jun 2020 02:39 |
Last Modified: | 22 Jun 2020 02:39 |
URI: | |
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