The Effectiveness of Mobile Dictionary Media in Teaching Writing for the Students of the Tenth Graders at SMA Negeri 1 Pulung Academic Year 2019/2020

Putra, Sasangka Perdana (2020) The Effectiveness of Mobile Dictionary Media in Teaching Writing for the Students of the Tenth Graders at SMA Negeri 1 Pulung Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Ponorogo.


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PUTRA, SASANGKA PERDANA. 2020.The Effectivnes of Mobile Dictionary Media in Teaching Writing for the Students of the Tenth Graders at SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2019/2020. Thesis, English Education Department, Tarbiyah Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Ponorogo. Advisor Wiwin Widyawati, M.Hum.
Key Word: Media, Mobile Dictionary, Students’ Writing Skill.
Writing is a significant skill in language production. Out of the four fundamental language skills in the language learning process, “competent writing is frequently accepted as being the last language skill to be acquired for native speakers of the language as well as for foreign/second language learners”.Writing is fundamental skill upon which all formal education depend. People consider Writing as a factor number one to process success learning, so people say Writing is the window in the world. The researcher chose SMAN 1 Pulung as the setting of the research because SMAN 1 Pulung is the most popular senior high school in Pulung, Pudak, Sooko and Ngebel. It has a lot of achievement both in academic and non-academic.One of the achievements is in the English speech contest. However, based on the interview with one of the English teachers there, the students had a low ability in writing. It was proved by the average score of the students’ performance in writing. Mobile Dictionary as a media especially in writing class. This media can also make the students more confident to study because used media following teaching learning in era modern. If the students’ learning in the class only using (the text book, workbook and white board) as media teaching learning, the students feel so bored. So, Mobile Dictionary media suitable to teaching learning
The purpose of this research was to compare whether students who are taught by using mobile dictionary media get better score in writing than those who are no taught by using mobile dictionary at tenth graders of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2019/2020.
This research applied quantitative approach and used quasi-experimental design. This research used two classes as experimental class and control class. The population was taken from the tenth graders of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2019/2020, total of population 224 students. Total of the sample in this research were 64 students which divided into two classes. Experimental class was 32 students and control class also had the same number. The procedure of data collection was test. To analyze the data, the researcher used t-test formula to know whether students who are taught by using mobile dictionary get better score in writing than those who are no taught by using mobile dictionary.
The result of the research showed that the value of t0 between students’ writing achievement who were taught by using mobile dictionary and students who were no taught by using mobile dictionary was 5,262. The result of computation using t-test formula of 5% significant level was 1,998. The t0 was higher than tt , so that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.
So, from the calculation above it can be concluded that students who are taught by using mobile dictionary get better score in writing than those who are no taught by using mobile dictionary at tenth graders of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2019/2020. It is become important for the teacher to increase and develop their ability in teaching writing. The teacher should be able to use the appropriate media in teaching writing to make the students more active and be able to understand the material.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Thesis Supervisor: Wiwin Widyawati
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Miss Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 15 Jun 2020 06:55
Last Modified: 15 Jun 2020 06:55

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